I thought quickly arrived in Cuenca . Instead the route was difficult. Juice only Alausi conditions have been rather good. The Pan American offers spectacular views of the valleys along the route. The scenery is awesome and monstrous. A few miles before arriving in the province of Canar the weather deteriorates. The rain and fog would not leave me to Cuenca. The conditions are difficult. The cold weather and playing on the mind. But we must keep. I will be arriving in Cuenca late afternoon happy to find better conditions and a more profitable time.
I quickly found a hotel that I had spotted in a guide and settle down.
I will not stay long in Cuenca. I visit the center the next day that is classified as a World Heritage Site for its beautiful church and cathedral adorned with its two blue domes so famous. Then I'm leaving towards second port of Guayaquil and economic center.
I keel the city with the sun. I shall soon return to the rain. The road leaves to go to Cuenca Cajas National Park and tack it in the middle of lakes and desert mountains. Came up the road is growing and now I roll on a 3-way that goes down the other side of the valley. The road is excellent and along steep slopes with views of the breathtaking valleys. A real pleasure to ride. God knows if this is a moment of pure sensation bike are rare. I want to sire the times really you feel and steal from. It is this kind sensation I felt.
Below the mist waiting for me. It is thick and does not seem to want to leave. I drive slowly because I do not see more than 5 meters. The headlights of trucks traveling to reverse strike me at the last minute. Gradually everything becomes clear. Come down landscapes have changed. I finally just left Sierra and valleys of a thousand fields, volcanoes, cold, snow, "faithful dogs", mountains and jungle to find the Páramo and heat. The air is humide. Les bananiers ont remplacés les champs de papas. C’est un autre monde.
Ce changement me réjouis et me rempli de bonheur. Je crois que c’est ce que recherchais au fond depuis quelques jours.
Arrivé au bas de la vallée, la route est longue et s’étend loin devant moi. Point de courbes.
Quelques kms plus loin j’atteins le péages. Des vendeurs de mangues attendent patiemment le client. Puis je continue en direction de Guayaquil qui n’est plus qu’à 60 km. Plus loin la police m’arrête ainsi qu’un autre motard équatorien. Officiellement je roulais trop vite , au dessus des 100 km/h autorisé par la loi. La sanction est dure, 72 USD et mon permis à retirer à Guayaquil une fois l’amende payée. Ce que bien sûr je ne peux autoriser. Je prends le policier à part. Pour 20 USD je lui demande de me laisser repartir avec mon permis. Il ne mettra pas longtemps à accepter. A vrai dire je pense qu’il l’attendait. Je savais que la police était corrompue. Maintenant c’est sur. Du Vietnam à l’Equateur les méthodes sont les mêmes. Débarrassé du « problème » je repart repars aussi vite que je me suis fait stoppé. Le problème n’était pas ma vitesse. Même en dessous des 100km/h je me serais fait arrêté anyway. Corruption is a law above. It has its own law. (Look at the last video we see the police arrest me)
But the events unfold. 30 km before arriving in Guayaquil my rear wheel burst. It is 15:00. In 3 hours at night. We must act quickly. I stop at a toll of 500 meters and 100 meters of a toll. Luck in bad luck again. I'm going to call the SOS sent me an audience. 30 minutes later no trace of a truck. I finally go towards the toll to seek help, leaving my bike with all my business which does not reassure me. But I did not have much choice. On the way I stopped a car to save time. She stops me and burden beckon. A family inside the car. I ride in the front. A few hundred meters further on the police side down. The driver stopped and told me to go seek help to close the police, I had yet to corrupt a few minutes earlier to leave alone. The situation is comical. I ride in the back of the 4x4 and we left two policemen in the direction of the motorcycle. These few seconds behind were delicious.
Arrived at the motorcycle, police arrested the first car to come. The car stops. The officer explained the situation. We load the bike at 5 in the van. I thank the police. I ride in the back with the bike and another with Ecuador, the son of the driver. We drive to a "garage" at the entrance to the city of Guayaquil. Some refused. Finally one of them accepts. We leave the bike. I thank the driver and his son for helping me and gives a contribution.
I expect a good hour before the engineer, whose resemblance to Eddie Murphy is striking, taking care of me. His garage has resulted in a concrete shelter with a tin roof in what is a compressor and a bunch of tools. I am two steps from the slums of the city, located at each end of town. It is 17:00. In an hour it is night. Next to the bike an old car that lacks the two wheels mentioned on his rear bumper "Gracias a Dios, a mi madre and mi esposa" and diffuse baillet .
It will take an hour to repair the bike. Exhausted by the events I decide to go ahead and first hotel to leave for the coast tomorrow.
The next day I'll be in Montanita in the early afternoon. The village on the road del Sol in 3 hours from Guayaquil is known for its surfing and hippie side. However the winter changes a bit the situation. The waves and the sun are not the appointment. And the idea of finding William I knew in Cali is becoming a priority. It just arrived today Mancorra on the north coast of Peru. In two days I'll be Mancorra.
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