Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Derek Jeter Jumpman Cleats

The price of the use and the price surusage

And if for some rare commodity, its price per unit was increased depending on the amount you've used?

In the messages below, some examples of implementation. *
work: (see message 13/1/9) *
fuel our vehicles (see the message of 8/1/9) *
water: (see message 7/1/9 ) *
speed (see the message of 6/1/9)

This method, inspired by an article by Paul Aries, does not use quotas, but leave the choice to consume each bit, at a cost low unit; or eat much for a unit cost high ... which subsidizes low cost of the first units.

The slide presentation can be downloaded: *
openoffice version is here
* pdf version is here .

The study of implementation of this tax at the national level is part of the list of Europe Ecology Loire Valley. In the hope that other regions share this interest.

Good reading, good discovery, and fun to read and respond to your comments. Jean-Michel


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Instruction Manuals For Arcad Alley

use and surusage: work

"Work more, earn more if .. you still work! "To produce what we need, let us rejoice in having averaged only work 32 hours per week: 35 hours / 1.08 (8% if unemployed). Rest to share this work, and for this awareness that has to work overtime to produce the shoes of someone else. And so do extra hours, we could save more ... but so little we share the work!

(click image to enlarge)

For more info::
- plate (printing double-sided and fold in 3 )
- the reference document (soon)

look forward to reading your comments.

JM Génevaux

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bipod For Gamo Hunter

the price for the use and surusage:

Whether you drive 23 km to go to work, or 300 meters to go and buy the bread, a liter of fuel is the same price. Whether you make an effort to drive less or that you start with a bang with the new 4x4 from Renault, a liter of fuel is the same price. And if we shared our right to pollute?

(click image to enlarge)

Interpretation: If the average consumption tax is a home of 1234 liters / year for the first 617 liters price divided by 2, between 617 liters and 1234 liters price is the current price, between 1234 liters and 2468 liters price multiplied by 2, beyond 2468 liters price multiplied by 4.

The slide presentation can be downloaded: *
for openoffice version is here
* for the pdf version is here .

For more information:
- plate (printing double-sided and fold in 3)
- the reference document (soon)
- the spreadsheet that allows you to calculate the impact on your home tax (version OpenOffice, version Excel, image pdf spreadsheet)

look forward to reading your comments.

JM Génevaux

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dazzle Dvd Recorder Canada

fuel prices and the use surusage: water

Currently, more water you use less per cubic meter of water is charged. And if we reversed this? And if individuals would stop subsidizing the business users?

Reading: For a company (orange curve) 0.28 EUR / m³ for the first 100m ³ and 0.57 euros / m and then 0.84 euros / m above 1000 m³.

For more information:
- plate (printing double-sided and fold in 3)
- document Reference

look forward to reading your comments.

JM Génevaux

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Watch Movies Digital Playground Online

The price of the use and surusage: speed

Whether you ride at 130 km / h or 110 km / h, you pay the same price on the highway, while you pollute 30% more. And if you explained each time the toll, when you open your wallet?

(click image to enlarge)

Reading: Sample journey from Paris to Lyon. With an average of 110 km / h, the toll is present. For a lower average speed 90 km / h cost is 23.13 euros to 130 km / h 40.71 euros at 145 km / h 120 euros was added because the offense for speeding.

For more information:
- plate (printing double-sided and fold in 3)
- the reference document (soon)

look forward to reading your comments.

JM Génevaux